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the lady with the dog造句

  • She describes one guide named Nina as one of Chekhov's " guileless innocents, " an Anna Sergeyevna ( from the story " The Lady With the Dog " ) in late middle age.
  • In Yalta, Chekhov wrote one of his most famous stories, " The Lady with the Dog " ( also translated from the Russian as " Lady with Lapdog " ), which depicts what at first seems a casual liaison between a cynical married man and an unhappy married woman who meet while vacationing in Yalta.
  • Leo Tolstoy spent summers there and Anton Chekhov in 1898 bought a house ( the White Dacha ) here, where he lived till 1902; Yalta is the setting for Chekhov's short story, " The Lady with the Dog ", and such prominent plays as " The Three Sisters " were written in Yalta.
  • A significant piece of cinema became " Member of the Government " ( 1939 ), film centered on the image of a Russian peasant woman ( starring Vera Maretskaya ), who took the difficult path from a farmhand to a deputy of the Lady with the Dog ", " Good bad man ", " Asya ", " Shurochka ".
  • An adaptation of " The Lady with the Dog ", " Dark Eyes " ( Italian : " Oci ciornie "; Russian : G8 GQ @  = K5; French : " Les Yeux noirs " ) is a 1987 Italian and Russian language film which tells the story of a 19th-century married Italian who falls in love with a married Russian woman.
  • But he was an amateur writer . " And Vladimir Nabokov criticized Chekhov's " medley of dreadful prosaisms, ready-made epithets, repetitions . " But he also declared " The Lady with the Dog " " one of the greatest stories ever written " in its depiction of a problematic relationship, and described Chekhov as writing " the way one person relates to another the most important things in his life, slowly and yet without a break, in a slightly subdued voice ."
  • It's difficult to see the lady with the dog in a sentence. 用the lady with the dog造句挺难的
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